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Quickview: Prune (iOS)

prune1QuickView is our way of reviewing games quickly, in around 300 words

By Vidyo

The older I get the more I’m sold on mobile games. I don’t think they will (or should) replace traditional games, but given how hectic things can be — constant public transport to and from house/work/friends — mobile games are finding a lease of life in the form of quick fixes to get through the grind. While I’m always wary of quality, it is especially nice when that little pocket-device we hold can provide interesting video game experiences, especially when things go beyond endless running or free2play (please pay though) games.

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QuickView: Out There Somewhere


QuickView is our way of reviewing games in around 300 words

By Vidyo

I know what you’re thinking, is Out There Somewhere a 2D retro-platformer indie game? Yes. WAIT! DON’T GO YET! I know they’re a dime-a-dozen and, yes, this game is the type of game that has Desura written all over it but the truth is that it’s not half-bad. Sitting somewhere between Cave Story, Portal, and VVVVV, Out There Somewhere is an addictive puzzle-platforming sci-fi romp was worth all the 15 pence (in Steam Credit) it set me back.

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QuickView: Antichamber


QuickViews is our way of reviewing games in less than 300 words

By Facestabman

Games that give me the opportunity to explore always manage to be relaxing, so imagine my joy when I found out that Antichamber is a game that does this very thing. A first-person puzzler  based around environmental effects that mess with your head: it’s a smart, colorful, intelligent, and fun experience… but only for a short period.

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Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Review: Third Time’s A Charm

ss (2014-11-30 at 04.51.59)By Koola

An Adventure/Puzzle game created by Level 5 Games for the Nintendo DS, The Unwound Future is the third game in the Professor Layton series; a series that I know very well by now having completed the previous two Professor Layton titles so my prognosis that this one has some of the best puzzles so far in the series, along with easily the most interesting storyline of all three titles should count as an informed view and sets the scene for what, to me, is the best Layton game of the bunch.

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Professor Layton and The Curious Village Review


By Koola

I’ll be the first to admit that puzzle games aren’t exactly my cup of tea. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that I expected the worst when I first started Professor Layton, but I’m happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Professor Layton and The Curious Village is a Adventure/Puzzle game created by Level 5 for the Nintendo DS which consists of one equal-part story to one equal-part puzzles. It’s a charming little game which just wants to insult your intelligence by throwing some brain-busting puzzles.

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Fez Review


By Vidyo

It is with some trepidation that I move to discuss Fez earnestly today. The game has become something of a personal joke; something to bring up announced in an attempt to sway others towards something offbeat and irrelevant. Much of the reason for this comes from the opinion about Fez’s creator, Phil Fish, who by all accounts is one the connoiseurs of internet-trolling. Quite why anybody thinks Phil Fish’s rants made any difference to Fez, the game, the myth, the legend isn’t up for me to judge but it’s still led to a position where the game has come to have a poor reputation. This is unfair, but it’s true that Fez’s audience is hard to define. Fez is the kind of game in which the joy of exploration is paramount to the game and puzzle solving and exploration work in tandem with one another. Its challenging but it’s not complicated; its creative without being wholly original, and its enjoyable while not being for everybody

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